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Arnos Vale Cemetery

Arnos Vale Cemetery Drawing Exchange Sunday 18th April 2010 2-5 pm

Kayle Brandon and Lady Lucy announce their latest Drawing Exchange event which will take place at Arnos Vale Cemetery, Bristol. This event is free of charge and supported by Spike in the City. Please meet at the main entrance of the Cemetery.


Scale in the Garden of Rest


Round Raja Rammohun Roy

Trees lane



St Stephens Church, 21 St Stephens Street, Bristol BS1 1EQ

The drawing exchange presents a series of drawing events at St Stephens Church Bristol.
All are welcome to join in, no matter drawing ability!
2ND OF APRIL – HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL | 2pm -5pm | suggested donation of £5.00

This event will look into the details and gestures, within the Church premises. A look at the horizontal plain, examining the lines of sight from the washed away inscriptions, to the pew ends with carvings of ships, slaves and fish swallowing anchors. We will look to the vertical passing by the golden bird in the ceiling, the tower pointing to the sky and what lies buried beneath.



Cemetery Gates (Bunhill)

THE DRAWING EXCHANGE at Bunhill Cemetery London
CEMETERY GATES | Sunday 21st March | 1-4 pm
Meet at 1PM at Artillery Arms, 102 Bunhill Row London EC1Y 8ND

“A dreaded sunny day So I meet you at the cemetery gates.”

The Drawing Exchange has been engaged in casual conversation with a
Clerkenwell local historian and has been investigating Bunhill Fields
Burial Ground. Join Drawing Exchange in spring daylight for a series
of exercises around the cemetery where many bones have been to laid to
rest and William Blake, Daniel Defoe, John Bunyan and Susana Wesley are buried.


1. The Circle Points of Blake and Defoe
We drew a circle around Blakes and Defoes memorials and with a compass made points at which each of us should draw. When the time came, we left the paper where we had drawn and moved around the circle to the next point, thus creating multiple drawings of the views ofsurrounding the memorials.

2. Throw the Fruit and Nuts to the animals, birds and the other world.
Yesterday Kayle and I encountered a man throwing nuts to the squirrels, something that he said he did most days. We were intruiged by the idea of the wildlife accessing the fenced off areas that were unavailable to us. Throw the morsel to the creature and let them be your guide.

3. Puddles: Trees Up, Skeletons down.
It has been raining and their are puddles running down the pathways, when you look down, you see up. Imagine the trees of skeletons and bones underneath us.

4. John Bailey
Official Clerkenwell Guide and local historian John Bailey came and gave us a short talk about the history of Bunhill and surrounding Clerkenwell.

5. Survey of The Grave of Dame Mary Page
The Grave of Dame Mary Page is almost turning back into the earth, it’s so old. Let us make a drawn document of this place.

6. History in a hat
Timeline facts regarding Bunhill were pulled out of a hat and read aloud for the drawers to respond.



Saturday 26th September 2009 2-5 PM 

Nunhead Community Centre , 56 Nunhead Lane SE15
Free / All welcome/ Materials provided. 

Drawing Exchange will be setting exercises in response
to the works entered into The Nunhead Open which excepts
artwork from both amateur and professional artists a like.
The Nunhead Open is organised by The Surgery and is part of
Nunhead Arts Week.



The Drawing Exchange started with a brief discussion regarding entries  into the Nunhead Open and the relationships between the amateur and professional artist’s work with Jacqueline Utley one of the organisers.

1. Chalk Connections. Look at the show and find a connection that you would like to highlight between the works. When we have all drawn our connections a drawing on the parquet floor will be born.

2. Box Animal ( After George Tuner Gale’s Tiger)
We made box animals based on George’s ingenious paper tiger sculpture and using other animal art pieces in the show as inspiration.

3. Graph paper section
Two artists have made drawings using graph paper in the show. Select a section of an art work to draw from the show using the sections of the graph paper.

4. Text to speech to draw.
Text is most present in the exhibition. I am going to act like a text to speach machine on a computer. Make a drawing using the text you hear.


French Library

Event Info 

French Library Drawing Exchange
1/2/09 Propeller Island 29 Thurloe Place, South Kensington, London SW7


Exercises were set around the collection of books that were acquired for the temporary French library at Propeller Island.

1.Voluntary/ Involuntary Memory
3. Striptease
4. The Daily Life of French Artists

1. Voluntary / involuntary memory.
In Search of Lost Time or Remembrance of Things Past (French: A Recherche Du Temps Perdu) is a semi-autobiographical novel in seven volumes by Marcel Proust. One of the main themes of the novel is Involuntary memory whereby a trigger in everyday life brings a memory back. In the novel a memory is involuntary remembered by a character whilst dipping a madeleine cake insome tea.

So for this exercise can you :
a.  Split your paper in two.  b. On the first side
I would would like us to all volunteer a memory of something, anything. c. On the second side I will use some triggers that may cause you to involuntarily remember something.

2. Fountain
In this exercise we will continue the theme of Proust and In Search of Lost Time or Remembrance of Things Past. The Novel refered to the nature of art, real art and fictitious artists. It is said to have put forward a sort of Art Theory. The following quote references a painting: Hubert Robert “View of a Park: The Fountain (detail)” (1793) Louvre, Paris.

“The eighteenth century had refined the elegance of its lines, but, by fixing the style of the jet, seemed to have arrested its life; at this distance one had the impression of art rather than the sensation of water.”

Draw your imagining of this scene using this painting reference & quote.

3. Striptease
Last night at Propeller Island, Brian Dawn Chalkley did a strip. Inspired by this I would like you to do a drawing to a reading of ‘Striptease’ one of Roland Barthes essays on modern French life that he wrote for Mythologies. Strip Tease.

4. The Daily Life of French Artists
The book by Jacques Letheve The Daily Life of French Artist in the nineteenth century describes exactly what it says on the cover. Again I will read out a paragraph from the book and it is up to you how you interpret this to make a drawing.







Leas Lift Folkestone / Vernacular Spectacular

Event Info :

August 3rd 2008 / Folkestone lees Lift

That lifts done more miles than any other train in world.

Henry Moore loved the Leas, its over a mile long. The Victorians used to promenade along it and if you weren’t wearing a certain type of clothing you would be asked to leave the leas by the police, it was very class based.

The lift is a solution to traveling to and from the beach and Leas in style and is powered by water.

France can be seen from the Leas so during the war one could see the enemy flying over head.

At the end of the leas is a medieval church called St Eenes. She was
sainted because she was thought to make water go up hill.

The lift works by water, ballast, gravity, chain and pulley system.


Introduction by Lift operator
Pulley Mechanism
Dropping Off

leas lift

Spall Garage Exchange

Event Info:
Friday 25th July 2008
Spall The garage Dallinghoo Woodbridge Suffolk Tel: 01473 737565

About Spalls:
Spalls garage is an old car breakers yard, they crush cars into cubes. Its
sprawling with stacks, piles, and compositions of vehicles in various states of undress, with weeds, oil, rust, cranes and men going about the place.

It’s a traditional local industrial complex.



Venn Festival

Saturday 7th: 3pm – 6pm / Meet at 3pm / Thekla Top Deck / Free to Venn
Ticket holders

This is a social drawing event that will do a slow tour of the
festival. Kayle Brandon and Lady Lucy will set drawing exercises and make drawings about music, sound, happenings, dancing, people, etc at the fesitval. Bring your drawing kit, enthusiasts of any ability welcome.


Score : Whilst listening to Artamonova create a musical score which you thinkIrena might make to use her music. Irena is 26 and is Russian, so use 26 symbols and try and make it look as Russian looking as possible.

NANCY ELIZABETH / 3.30 / Arnolfini Auditorium
Lyrics : Draw a lyric sheet for one of Nancy Elizabeth’s songs. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know what she is exactly saying in the music. Just write down what you hear and illustrate it by drawing what Nancy Elizabeth is singing about around the music.

SNORKEL / 4.00 / Thekla
Draw the view that you see through your imaginary snorkle goggles.
Using Snorkel’s music as a guide, imagine you are deep under water in the sea somewhere. It could be anywhere.

COREY ORBISON /5.15/ Arnolfini Dark Studio
Corey Orbison are Mical, Lisa and Irene Revell, they are very animated when they are performing. They play hard and fast and you might find this difficult to catch up with, but that’s why they’re genius. We are going try and make an animation of the band whilst watching them, except it’s just going to be a series of drawings that you are going to draw. Try and be as swift as possible, just as fast as the music, as quick as the flicker of an animation.




The River Deben

Event Info : 

February 24th  2008

One Sunday Drawing Exchange Invited you to take a meandering local walk with us along The River Deben through Woodbridge, Suffolk.

Burnt out car
The dead trees and movement of the water
Basic elements of the landscape
Dog Legs (things that hold up boats when they are out of the water)
The remarkable resemblance of Rose and Emma
The river sounds

Trees of Suffolk

Event Info 

A  winter trail through The Trees of Suffolk by foot & by car.


The Woodbridge Copper Beech has been watching us.
Trees at The Shack – Willows brittle and windy
Rendlesham Forrest – UFO landing site, imported Pines
Through The Trees – Amidst pine needles and sounds from The Handsome Family.
Home made  Charcoal Oaks
Tree Lines